Friday, March 13, 2009

Count Your Many Blessings

I saw an old friend yesterday in the Wilk. As I was talking to him and catching up, he said, "so, it sounds like life is good.....lots of blessings." It made me really stop and think. Ya, life is often stressful. Sometimes we get way bogged down and depressed about our circumstances. But, that doesn't mean that our Heavenly Father has forgotten us. He still loves us, and it we just look to Him and rely on His strength, He'll still bless us.

I'm thankful for what my friend said.
I'm thankful to have a healthy, happy, harmonious family.
I'm thankful to have found the love of my life, my best friend for eternity.
I'm thankful to be going to a University that offers an incredible educational experience along with a daily dose of the Spirit.

I think we are all blessed more than we know. And that's what keeps me smiling. :)

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