Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm terrible at this blogging thing sometimes. But today I decided I'm going to do better. A lot has happened in the last 5 months or so. I am now working at Sundesa in Pleasant Grove. I like it there. It's a small company (for now) that manufactures and sells the Blender Bottle. If you haven't heard of the Blender Bottle, you should go out and buy one. You need to mix up a protein shake, gravy, scrambled eggs or chocolate milk? This thing will do the job. Anyways, I process orders and am in charge of making sure all of our store orders get shipped out properly.
In December, we got to go to Houston for Christmas! It was so fun. I wish we could have stayed longer, but isn't that how it always is? I got an ipod nano from pink of course. Also, Andrew and I made a gingerbread house. Now, not many people know this, but I have a secret ambition of being a professional cake decorator. So, when I bought this gingerbread house kit, I thought I would just smoke Andrew in decorating skills. Well, to my dismay, he totally schooled me. I believe it's because the icing in the piping bag was very thick and Andrew has stronger hands to pipe it out, thus leading to better control of the decorating process. Had I used my own icing, I'm sure I would have managed just fine. Here's us in front of our little Christmas tree.In January, we celebrated Lily's birthday. She's 3 now, and as cute as ever. Tahlia made the cutest ice cream cone cupcakes. Maybe I should take some lessons from her about cake decorating... Here are the cupcakes along with a couple pictures of the two cutest nieces in the entire world.

In February, we took a trip out to Chicago for President's Day weekend to see Andrea in her Show Choir Competition. Let me just say, it brought back a lot of memories from my own high school days. Andrew had never experienced show choir before, so it was fun to show him the ins and outs.....and that no, it's not just like Glee....only kind of. Later in the month Uncle Sam bought us a Wii!!! (tax return money) So, we decided to invite Julie, Jimmy and Nathanael over to try it out. Nathanael was a pro...jk he didn't get to play, but he was pretty darn cute!This month was Andrew's 26th birthday! What an old man. I kept joking with him that he was 4 years older than me, which is not true, but for the next couple of months he's 26 and I'm 22. Haha! His parents and I pitched in together to get him an external hard drive. Not a very exciting present in my opinion, but he was very happy about it. He had been wanting it for a while. He also got Mario Kart for the Wii and some other little odds and ends. The most impressive thing (I think) that I did for him on his birthday was that I made him Shrimp Alfredo! Yes, that's right, SHRIMP! For those of you who don't know, I am not a seafood lover....more like a seafood hater. But I DO love my husband, and wanted him to have a very special day. Here is my one-time creation....
We also got to go to Aunt Teresa's for dinner the day before. Here are some pics from that.

Also, on Andrew's birthday, we had some friends over to celebrate. I had made Andrew's favorite, Angel Food Cake. Now, last year I make this too, and it turned out just fine. For some reason, this year, when I turned the cake upside down to cool, it just fell right out of the pan on the the counter. Sad day. This happened like 20 minutes before our friends were going to arrive. So, in desperation, I ran out to the store and bought the pre-made kind. Not as good as home made, but it was good enough. The rest of the night was lots of fun. We love Andrew and we love our friends!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So, I just wanted to post a couple of pics up here to let you know what's going on these days...

1. I got my hair cut! Yay!
2. Stuart, Ashley, and Jennie (Andrew's Brother, Sister-in-law, and Sister) came to visit for conference!3. Funny story here....the other day, I decided to ask Andrew on a date the old-fashioned corny way. So I made him a giant chocolate chip cookie, and wrote on it with icing, "Andrew will you go out with me on Monday?" I was so excited and thought it was so cute. So he gets home from work and I have the cookie and a tall glass of milk out on the table waiting for him. He was all excited in fact that he flailed his arm a little bit, and SPILLED THE MILK ALL OVER THE COOKIE!!!! Of course, nothing ever turns out like it does in the movies. If this was the movies, he would have swept me off me feet in a big hug, and the we would have romantically sat there and eaten the cookie together. So ya, it turned out pretty gross, and I think it is still sitting there soggy in the fridge. haha. se la vi! (I don't know why it wouldn't post correctly, so you can just tilt your head and read it that way.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Graduation and KEITH URBAN!!

Alrighty, I figured it out. Here are some pictures of Graduation!! Ok, so I'm not all the way graduated yet. I'm still wrapping up a few things with my internship, so I'll officially receive my degree in December this year. Pretty exciting stuff. It's just weird not going to classes anymore. I miss campus...surprisingly. :)
Anyways, here are the pics.

Me and the parents.....
My sisters and I....
Me and my hubby....

I graduated in Recreation Management and Youth Leadership. Yay!!Ok, so let's get on to the exciting news! As many of you know, last May I won Keith Urban tickets on the radio. And, the time finally came when I got to go! I was going to go with Andrew of course, but he had manditory training for his new intramurals job - which I think he probably enjoyed more than he would have the concert. :) So, my dear long lost friend Mikall and I went. We seriously had a BLAST!! Here are the pics. For more, go see facebook.

This is Mikall and I in front of one of the Tour Trucks. When we saw this we serisously freaked out. yay....

No, we didn't REALLY have a BBQ with Keith, this was just a cardboard cutout ;) ....
Me and Mikall right before the concert started....
Yay Keith!.....

So, during the concert, Keith got off the stage and started walking down the isle on the floor. I just figured he'd walk around for a while and then go back onto the stage, but NO, he got up on to this mini stage right by us!!! I swear we were like 50 feet from him!....

So I thought he'd sing the rest of that song there, but no, i was wrong again. He sang like three or four songs there! It was sweet.....
At one point he turned around to the people on the floor seats behind him, and said "Who's got the good seats now!" It was pretty great. Then he sang "Making Memories of Us" which he dedicated to his wife, the beautiful Nicole Kidman. (For a short video of that, see my last post.)...

Rock on Keith Urban!! Woot! It was for sure the best concert ever.

Preview of Keith....

So I was going to write about graduation and the Keith Urban Concert I went to a few days ago, but for some reason, Blogger won't let me add for now, here's a quick video of Keith....he was awesome and it was for sure the best concert I've EVER been to!

Here's Keith Urban Singing, "Making Memories of Us" (which he dedicated to his wife, the beautiful Nicole.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A beautiful Rainy Day

Today started out sunny. Then I got a phone call from my manager at about 9m telling me that the park (Seven Peaks Water Park) was not opening today due to inclement weather. I was a little puzzled but happy to have most of the day off. I went in for some extra training and had the rest of the day to myself. Unfortunately, it ended up being one of those days where you have all day to get things done....but you do nothing. It DID end up raining, and it was glorious! I miss big rain storms like that. Soon, it started pouring outside, and Andrew and I decided to go play. So I put on my rain boots and a jacket, we grabbed a soccer ball, and headed out to our nearly empty parking lot. It was so much fun! Then I took some pictures (and photoshopped them)....

Also, I am happy to say that today I took my second to last final exam EVER!! I got a 94. Yay!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Count Your Many Blessings

I saw an old friend yesterday in the Wilk. As I was talking to him and catching up, he said, "so, it sounds like life is good.....lots of blessings." It made me really stop and think. Ya, life is often stressful. Sometimes we get way bogged down and depressed about our circumstances. But, that doesn't mean that our Heavenly Father has forgotten us. He still loves us, and it we just look to Him and rely on His strength, He'll still bless us.

I'm thankful for what my friend said.
I'm thankful to have a healthy, happy, harmonious family.
I'm thankful to have found the love of my life, my best friend for eternity.
I'm thankful to be going to a University that offers an incredible educational experience along with a daily dose of the Spirit.

I think we are all blessed more than we know. And that's what keeps me smiling. :)